This week's goals:
1) Finally finish describing all my soil cores taken from my Bennett field site (by Thursday).
2) Complete another day of removing honeysuckle from my Brandt field site (on Friday).
I took 40 cores total, but that includes a duplicate core for each of my 20 plots throughout my field site. So really, I only have 20 cores to describe - I will be using one of the cores for the description and one of the cores for bulk density measurements. I still have about 8 left to describe - so here goes nothing!
So far, one of the most interesting core was this one:
Honeysuckle removal has been brutal. After all, it has had about 60 years to establish itself, but we are seeing progress - which is rewarding. We are cutting and treating them with herbicide (only on the cut stumps), with the hope that it will not re-sprout as strong. The fall fire will help our efforts as well.
1) Finally finish describing all my soil cores taken from my Bennett field site (by Thursday).
2) Complete another day of removing honeysuckle from my Brandt field site (on Friday).
I took 40 cores total, but that includes a duplicate core for each of my 20 plots throughout my field site. So really, I only have 20 cores to describe - I will be using one of the cores for the description and one of the cores for bulk density measurements. I still have about 8 left to describe - so here goes nothing!
So far, one of the most interesting core was this one:
It had a glacial outwash pocket of sand above dense clay at the bottom of the core! |
Honeysuckle removal has been brutal. After all, it has had about 60 years to establish itself, but we are seeing progress - which is rewarding. We are cutting and treating them with herbicide (only on the cut stumps), with the hope that it will not re-sprout as strong. The fall fire will help our efforts as well.