Tuesday, July 17, 2012


It's official! After 4 years in my past office, I've been moved to a new office. The new digs are on the sixth floor. It has a pretty nice view, even if it is separated from where all the main excitement happens down on the second and first floor. Might be nice when it comes time to buckle down and write my dissertation. My adviser has also been moved up to the sixth floor, so we made it feel more like home and I think it will actually turn out to be a great place to spend time and escape from the hustle and bustle.

Also, for the first time since I arrived to NIU - six years ago - I will not be teaching next semester. I have been assigned as the research assistant to the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs. While I will miss teaching, I am excited to explore this new avenue - since it too will provide me with yet another perspective within academia. Change is good.