Thursday, January 31, 2013

Winter Dusting

We went from rainy and 63 degree F to snow and -21 degree F windchill in a couple days! We only got dusted, but it sure is cold out there! Here are a few pictures from the office in the winter:

So serene...
One of my favorite things about my view is this window!
Even the gargoyles look cold.

On a different note, I came into my office the other day to find a stack of wet, unused printer paper and was very confused as to what happened until I saw the water drip. Seems there is a small leak in my ceiling, so now my plants are getting watered automatically! Unfortunately, splash erosion makes things a little messy. :)
Free drip watering system.
Splash erosion in action. Pretty intense, I know! :) Ha!
The leak should be frozen by now, hopefully, so I won't have to worry about it again...until spring, maybe.
We'll see!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Do you want the good news, or the bad?!

Good news: the DI water is back on....well, sort of.....that's where the bad news comes in!

Bad news: the DI water tanks are already empty!

The DI water faucet was accidentally left on over night and it just happened to coincide with when the work crew switched the water back on, so.......there was an accidental flooding event in the soils lab!

Lesson learned.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Digs

The spring semester is about to begin...ONLY 5 more days!

Today, I attempted to run a few aggregate stability tests, which measure the proportion of soil aggregates that stay clumped together after being agitated in water. Ultimately the tests are used to assess how vulnerable the soil is to water erosion. In the process, I was side-tracked with other items that were on my to do list and by the time I got back around to my research, I found out the deionized water had been shut off! So, I packed everything up and will try again tomorrow. At least I got a few other things done and everything is set up to jump right in once the water is turned back on!

While running around, I took a few shots of my new office to share. It's way up on the 6th floor, so we have a pretty decent view - which is great! I have windows now, so I made sure to bring in some plants! As you can see, it filled up fast with everything I've accumulated throughout my 6 years of graduate school. The neat part is that my previous office mate was also move into this office - so no worries about not getting along!

I even have a little ginko seedling! It is pretty cold in my office right now, so I am hoping it will trigger it to senesce (drop its leaves) and stimulate new growth! Either way, it sure does have a great view of the castle!

There is a small foyer outside of the cluster of offices up there that used to be full of old papers and cabinets. We've since cleaned it out and turned it into a cozy waiting room for students who venture up to our office hours (although no students will be coming to see me for office hours this semester!). We've also made it homey by adding a few plants, so now the view is extra pleasant to sit and chat. It is our escape from stress! :)

Anyway, hopefully the DI water is back on tomorrow!